You run in an election,
You ask for citizens’ support for a seat in parliament.
The community doesn’t support you,
doesn’t vote for you,
doesn’t trust you,
Doesn’t elect you to parliament.
But you on the other hand do everything in your power to grab a position, to become an “advisor” or a “private secretary”, brazenly trying to secure a salary that will be paid from taxes of those very same people who didn’t want you in the first place.
Can you imagine the horror?
And with these hot shots, walking around in suits and ties.
But they will all be quickly forgotten if a public position is not created for them.
Some just can’t see themselves toiling away in the private sector; others are just plain useless!
Good thing there is a “state”!
Good thing there are positions to be filled by cronies!
What if there weren’t?
In short, you succeed in getting appointed as an adviser with a salary of ₺40,000 at a time when the economic crisis is at its height, when the farmer, the shopkeeper, and the private sector worker are crippled by economic conditions, when the Turkish Lira has become worthless and when the average citizen is living under the poverty line.
To the Presidency!
Who appoints you?
Ersin Tatar who was himself appointed!
What are you going to do there?
Something will come up!
How many advisers are there at the palace?
1. Chief Adviser (Prof. Dr. Tülen Saner)
2. Press Adviser (Aydın Akkurt)
3. Health Adviser (Prof. Dr. Nedime Serakıncı)
4. International Relations Adviser (Prof. Dr Hüseyin Işıksal)
5. Agriculture, Livestock and Entrepreneurship Adviser (Ahmet Hamdi)
6. Special Adviser (Muslu Akgüney)
7. Political Affairs Adviser (Anıl Kaya)
To add to this list are the Chief of Staff, Private Secretary and Undersecretary.
So, what do they all do?
No one really knows what the Special Adviser does because he is very special.
Whatever the Agriculture Adviser is doing, the farmers and livestock breeders are on their knees.
Whatever the Health Adviser is doing, the health system is crumbling.
No one knows what the International Relations Adviser is doing but we certainly aren’t engaged in any form of international relations.
We don’t know what the Political Affairs Adviser is doing because politics is the primary source of decay in the country.
We don’t even have to mention the Press Adviser as we are all too familiar with his statements issued through the President’s Office that resemble adolescent bickering, targeting people and spewing hatred.
We also don’t know what the Chief Adviser’s job is.
There are two possibilities;
Either this bloated team of advisers is doing an excellent job and producing ideas but Tatar is not listening to them, or the team is just there in name and their salaries are being paid with our tax money!
As if these advisers weren’t enough, Mesut Genç, who joined UBP [Translators note: National Unity Party] after leaving HP [People’s Party], and ran in the last elections but failed to get elected by a public that didn’t want him, succeeded in joining the palace’s team of advisers.
Who will pay?
Who will pay?
The very same people who did not want him and did not elect him!
What is the Presidency and its appointed President Ersin Tatar, which serve no other purpose than to implement orders and read out statements handed down by Ankara, doing with this army of advisers?
A big fat nothing!
The country’s resources are being spent on crony appointments;
not on schools falling apart,
not on roads lacking infrastructure,
not on hospitals that are in horrible condition or don’t exist at all,
not on shopkeepers and workers brought to their knees by the economic crisis!
And names such as Mesut Genç, earning salaries of tens of thousands of liras without doing anything, offer promises of policies they will be developing for the people.
Take them with a grain of salt!
This is how politics and the institutions in this country become corrupt and are sucked dry.
No one feels shame,
No one sheds a tear.
What is the solution,
I would say, to feel some shame.
If the feeling of shame returns to these lands the way it abandoned us,
Perhaps then…