“Norwegians have also emigrated from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Poland, Sweden, Somalia and Syria. My grandparents immigrated from Denmark and England 110 years ago. It is not always easy to say where we are from, what nationality we belong to. What we call home, is where our heart is – and that is sometimes difficult to place within borders. Norwegians are girls who love girls, boys who like boys, and girls and boys who are fond of each other. Norwegians believe in God, Allah, Everything and Nothing. In other words, Norway is you. Norway is us. When we sing our national anthem, we must remember that we also sing about each other. For it’s we who make up the country. My greatest hope for Norway is that we are able to take care of each other. That we in the future are going to build this country on trust, fellowship and generosity. That we shall know that we – despite of all our differences – are one people.”

These words belong to King Harald V of Norway, delivered in a speech in 2016, and constitute a monument to acceptance and inclusion in a world, and especially in a Europe, where hatred, right-wing extremism, conservatism and animosity against refugees and migrants prevail.

The announcement issued by the Holy Synod the day before yesterday [May 23] on pseudo-conversion therapies has three characteristics: hatred, hypocrisy and intense polarisation. [Translator’s note: Pseudo-conversion therapies are practices carried out by priests aiming to alter the sexual orientation of LGBTQI+ persons from non-heterosexual to heterosexual] The victims, as always, are the people who want to live freely in every sense of the word, and not according to the kind of freedom imposed by popular opinion or… the Church. The Holy Synod has tried to maintain a moderate stance, but it seems that it is ultimately unable to do so, as it is unthinkable that it would go against its ‘nature’, but it nevertheless forces others to go against theirs.

The torture of pseudo-conversion therapy is something the Church finds appealing, since it is a way of retaining [within its ranks] the flock of black sheep, those who for their own reasons kneel on its steps to avoid seeing the truth. And the truth is that the world, society, is something quite different than what the Church is trying to preserve with such fervour and hatred.

Everyone has the inalienable right to direct their sexual energy and libido towards wherever they feel safe and free, not to the direction imposed by a bleak world full of hatred for the free. Because at the end of the day this is a war against freedom in all its facets. As we know, the Holy Synod-Church and freedom do not go together, on the contrary.