Mustafa the first, was an Ottoman sultan who emerged on the throne twice…During this second reign, he became known as “Veli Mustafa” (Mustafa the Saint).
Veli Mustafa who came into the world in 1591, when Cyprus was an Ottoman island, died in Istanbul in 1639…


Mustafa, unfortunately, was a “madman”…


According to many sources, Mustafa I’s first reign lasted 96 days, and his second lasted 1 year, 3 months and 22 days.


It is claimed that he was made sultan by those who insisted his mental condition would improve in time.
But this condition never improved…


Those who saw their interests served in the continuation of Mustafa I’s reign claimed he was a miracle-working saint.
(Just to clarify – they called him “Veli” (“Saint”) because they couldn’t openly call a great sultan “Deli” (“Mad”)


But “Veli” never recovered…
It became evident that he could no longer serve as sultan because of his weak mental state…
And so, Mustafa I was removed from the throne.
The doors of his room closed upon him, imprisoning Mustafa I. And so, the reign of Osman II begun.
The second reign of Veli Mustafa’s begun after the killing of Osman II in an uprise.


One of the best things Veli Mustafa did was toss coins at the fish in the sea…And it is said, that it was because of this that the Ottoman treasury at one point found itself in trouble…
Ah and one more thing. He also loved to barge in the middle of meetings of the council, knocking off the fezzes of his Visiers and rolling them on the floor!
So that you understand… A fun guy!


King of Sweden Erik the 14th…
According to claims, he was truly paranoid. He was obsessed with the thought that he would be dethroned, so he ordered the hanging of many people who whispered or laughed within earshot.
XIV. Eric (Born on December 15, 1533, died on February 26, 1577)…
He ruled as King of Sweden from 1560 to 1568…


The Emperor of Austria, Ferdinand I…
His first order after sitting on the throne: “I am the king and I want meatballs”…
Was it Cyprus meatballs, Adana kebab or steak tartare a la Turca (cig kofte)?
I don’t think so!
He was probably asking for Austrian meatballs…


Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, known more popularly by his nickname Caligula, was the Roman Empire’s third emperor who served between AD 37-41. He is remembered for his extreme extravagance, eccentricity, immorality, cruelty, and despotism.
The Roman Emperor Caligula was tall and hairy… He was so hairy, that it is said he had banned everyone from talking about goats in his presence. He built a luxurious house for his horse Incitatus and tried to appoint the same horse to the high council but Caligula was killed before the promotion was realised.


And this is the last one…
Sultan Ibrahim, the 18th Ottoman sultan and the 97th Caliph of the Islamic world…
Sultan Ibrahim, whose three brothers were killed by Murad IV, ascended to the throne at the age of 25 after having lost his mind spending 23 years in confinement in a section of the palace called the cage.


Sultan İbrahim who was known for his extreme fondness for sable fur and amber collected a special “fur and amber” tax from the people.
Moreover, this fondness of his caused him to cover the palace with sable, even down to the cats.
İbrahim used to dress his favourite cats in sable coats and let them roam around.


Sultan İbrahim was very fond of women and awarded the state’s most important properties to his women.
On one occasion, he ordered that they find Istanbul’s fattest and largest woman  and bring her to him. Pleased with the woman they found, he gave the order that all revenues from Damascus be awarded to her.


His fondness for women was what led to the Varvar Ali Pasha uprising. The uprising started after Sultan İbrahim demanded for himself Ipşir Pasha’s wedded wife in Sivas. After Varvar Ali Pasha was executed for objecting, his severed head was sent to Istanbul. During his reign, the officials of the time sought to guarantee their status and futures through the women of Sultan İbrahim.


Sultan İbrahim, who filled the palace with healers and exorcists to address his problems, showed special interest in a healer who went by the name of Cinci (exorcist) Hodja. Sultan İbrahim under the influence of Cinci Hodja, even built a fully furnished palace for him. Cinci Hodja, whose real goal was to acquire wealth, sold the positions of İlmiye (Translator’s note: Ottoman Institution) that was under his responsibility through bribes, acquiring a great fortune.



The lies and nonsense have left UBP (Translator’s note: National Unity Party) members “defenceless”…
Dear Hasan Hastürer followed the debates in parliament last week and assessed that the “government possesses the majority in terms of numbers but does not have the qualitative majority.”
That is so true!
Because there can be no one in UBP who can defend the latest developments!
No mind, no logic can defend the latest developments!


Neither the coup against Faiz Sucuoğlu nor Ersin Tatar’s absurdities, nor the approach to the Cyprus problem or the Azerbaijan issue can be defended…


Think of it, so incompetent is our leadership that it cannot even respond to the Greek Cypriot side which came to the point to say “Come and let’s discuss the opening of Ercan to international flights.”
The UBP mentality which has been expressing this desire for years is now in such a helpless state that it is choosing absolute silence.
Should someone dare to say something, they would make him eat his words, saying; “you dare say something against our motherland?”
Because it is the motherland’s foreign policy dictating this nonsense!
And the whole of UBP, including Tatar is obeying these orders!


Did you know?
UBP is the product of a Kemalist-militarist structure.
In fact, the anti-Kemalist AK Party should be the last party that UBP would cooperate with. However, the point we have reached is that UBP is now operating under the orders of a political party that stands for Sharia values and does not hide its animosity towards Atatürk. We see an UBP that is shying away from mentioning the name of Atatürk…


As a result, no UBP official, minister, deputy, district head or member is in a position to “open” their mouth.
Just think, a statement is written by Tatar’s office on behalf of the party and this mighty party is then forced to issue a false statement claiming “yes, we wrote it”!
Shame, what a shame!
Such losers… such losers!

The Republic of Cyprus’ Statistical Services announced… 534,040 tourists visited Cyprus in the first four months of 2022… Of course, I’m talking about the south… exactly ten times the figure for the same period last year. South Cyprus is very close to 2019 tourism numbers reached before the pandemic…  despite the Ukraine-Russia war… Well, what about the equal and sovereign TRNC? The President should first crush his critics; then you will see; it will be raining here, raining! Raining tourists! With the support of the motherland, the Greek Cypriots will die of jealousy! There is no point in opening Ercan to international flights because Ersin Tatar, if needed, like superman, will carry tourists by swimming – flying. But like I said, the opposition should take a beating first; then you will see! The photograph (Translator’s note: Author refers to a very old photo of Kyrenia shown in the article) taken in Kyrenia about 150 years ago… I wish it could have stayed that way.