The “TRNC” as a whole is in the servitude of a lie.
The claim that we govern ourselves, is a lie…
The claim that we have a democracy, is a lie…
The population is a lie, the territory is a lie, the property is a lie…
The state is a lie…
“The dimensions of the lie can be expanded, its arguments strengthened and in fact, politics as a whole could be made to serve a lie. But no matter how sophisticated the lie’s systematic is, it is not possible to completely erase an observable fact from peoples’ minds.”
Vahap Çoşkun gives room to these remarks in the introduction of his book “Lying in Politics.”
He examines the book by Hannah Arendt which shares the same title.
I can’t wait to find and read the book at the first opportunity.
“Lying in politics” has become something ordinary in the north of Cyprus.
In fact, it is priceless for some.
Politicians who “pat you on the back”, “who make promises”, and who say “don’t worry we got you covered,” are popular, even though it’s known that their words most of the time are lies…
Because usually, the requests made are either unfair or unjust…
The game is so rigged, that almost everyone succeeds in legitimizing, clearing or normalising their unfair demands at the expense of others:
“Look at all the favours and privileges are being granted to others.”
As a result, everyone starts to wait for their turn to be “corrupted.”
You are clean if you’re not alone!
As a result, the “defilement” becomes something that is worn, and everyone races with one another, branding each other as being unscrupulous.
Always criticizing others but never questioning their own actions!
“Secrecy and deception, the deliberate falsehood and the outright lie used as a legitimate means to achieve political ends have been with us from the beginning of recorded history,” writes Hannah Arendt in her book…
It has its place in world politics and the essence of the matter is much deeper!
So we can use this to justify ourselves, can’t we?
“The lies we tell are small lies, honey!”
“Lies are more plausible, more appealing to reason, than reality, since the liar has the great advantage of knowing beforehand what the audience wishes or expects to hear.”
You know how we keep on asking, how do these liars, these marauders, these charlatans succeed in staying in power all these years despite all the complaints…
I guess a part of the secret lies in this assessment.
The comments made, once again show us the importance of the press…
“The free press plays an immense role in shedding light on the facts in an atmosphere where those in power used all means at hand to deceive the people. A solid and strong press is the strongest tool to break the barriers between the truth and the people.”
What raises hopes is the assessment the writer makes at the end…
“The liar’s candle does not keep on going on forever, sooner or later it will go out.
And fortunately, that’s what happens…”