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There are power elites who complain but also “play the game by its rules”.
The corruption report once again revealed that we are “rotten”.
Actually, it’s not only politics that is rotten!
Moreover, it’s not right to generalize and say its “politics”…
What we have experienced over the past two years is obvious; the slaughtering of democracy, [party] congress ploys, tender gangs, high-level administrators who are constantly replaced, partisanship, favouritism-based governance, decay weaved into “nationalist” sentiment, mediocrity and depravity…
We need to differentiate between what is good and bad, what is beautiful and ugly, what is real and what is deception.
What really hurts is that those who say “I gave a bribe so that my job gets done” also vote for those they bribed.
They say that the “government is serving a number of power groups,” but they fail to reveal who those power elites are.
We all know them…
These circles, which sustain the “status quo” appear before us in all forms!
And generally, they pretend to be “against” it.
I listened to the presentation of the Report on “Corruption Perceptions in North Cyprus” yesterday prepared by academics Ömer Gökçekuş and Sertaç Sonan, supported by the Freidrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Cyprus.
Are you curious about where the northern part of Cyprus stands?
It stands among these countries…
140th amongst 180 countries…
The “perception of corruption” in Kenya, Angola, and Liberia is lower!
Even in Turkey!..
It’s more than just a “perception” now…
Those who participated in the research are openly saying, “I gave bribes to be granted or to secure leases of public land or buildings”…
Those receiving the bribes are happy…
So are those giving them!
Is it not the same when it comes to hiring people?
Most of those who make a racket later are those who were hired without vacancies, exams, competitions or equality.
We have all experienced and witnessed it together.
Whoever has been selling their soul…
Is surrendering their morality…
And their names are involved in great scandals…
First and foremost!