| SOCIAL ISSUES |Kıbrısın Sesi



They are human beings,

so what?

Kick him out, arrest him, say ‘uffff’ and move on.

Is our conscience bleeding now?

Those who only yesterday said that Africans ruined the country, those who were the worst racists and misanthropes, are now giving humanity lessons to society with their pens and microphones.

Did you pity Uthman, who has been living next to us for 5807 days, hungry and miserable?

Or did you not see him in the darkness of the night because he was black…

Or did you not see him in the light of day because he was black…

You didn’t see it, did you?

Now that you are a STATE OF LAW, you will arrest and put him in a cell, Uthman, whose outfits we are ashamed of.

However, when you feel like it, you are the ones who put innocent people on board and kick them out of the country under the guise of “intelligence” with the use of a Council of Ministers’ decree,

Isn’t it you, who declare people terrorists and turn them into banned immigrants with another Council of Ministers’ decree, again, when you feel like it, and who’ve been RUINING the families that have been struggling for their livelihoods in this country for years?

Do you feel sorry for Uthman now?

Let’s write in bold letters: As a society, we display pure hypocrisy when it comes to human rights.

Because we do not recognize people as HUMAN BEINGS, we shape discrimination either politically, or on the grounds of different ‘sensitivities’.

Uthman is the mirror of this society.

WE are the ones who are stranded, orphaned, living in dirt and rust,


For years, thousands of people have been ignored in these courts just because they are black, just because they are AFRICAN, just because they are fleeing war, misery, and discrimination.

They were lined up against the wall and humiliated by this system. In the meantime, human rights organisations and the Refugee Rights Association helped the arrested asylum seekers, and we contributed as much as we could, so that they could be SAVED and cross to the SOUTH.

Yes, because this INHUMANE structure outside international law makes us ashamed of our humanity.

This ESTABLISHED ORDER, built on the pains of war, with injustice as its foundation, makes us a disgrace to humanity.

Day by day, we are being dragged into a FAKE enrichment but ACTUAL poverty. Some of us are aware, some of us are in the pathetic blindness of a luxurious poverty…

We have written many times, we told them not to put people up against the wall.

Now they have also put Uthman up on the wall so that he would be more ashamed and offended.

As if to say, ‘Here, we have done a great job’ to the COMMUNITY!

This cannot go on like this.

It is NOT Uthman who should be ashamed and lined up in front of the wall as if he has committed a crime!


We must first put our humanity on the wall, our blindness, the three monkeys we enact…

We will become increasingly ashamed if we don’t put aside the hostility we show to our black neighbours in our apartment buildings, the hypocritical games we play in city traffic, at school, in the market, where we turn up our noses at foreigners because we see ourselves as ‘Westerners’.

Let us sit and think.

If you feel helpless, what would you do if you were Uthman?

It seems cruel to me to write an article that does not offer any remedies.

As far as I can see, the judge in the court does what the legislation requires. The task falls to those who claim to govern us. Different legal arrangements should be made immediately for those living illegally, this is not a problem that can be solved by arrests. This is an administrative problem; if you cannot keep people documented, and a person can live illegally on half of this island for 5807 days, this is the fault of the administration, never the person.

We have to find a way to rewrite the ‘citizenship’ policy. We have to find another way to control the entries and exits, and to find another way to prevent those who enter from becoming fugitives in the face of not declaring where they have been for so many years. We must stand up against the illegal practices of the administration’s officials that hurt the conscience of society, and will eventually make the state (or even Turkey in the ECHR) pay compensation.

My last word to those who will deport Uthman.

If you have a shred of conscience left, extend your hand to Uthman, who has not bribed you, who is not a member of your party, and who will never vote for you.

This time, do what you have not done for 5807 days!


Tacan Reynar was born in Nicosia in 1982 and grew up in divided Famagusta, near the war zone, shame fields of Varosha. He studied Law at EMU, writing his master’s thesis on jurisdiction conflicts in federations. In 2010, he was appointed as a district court judge by the 'North Cyprus' Supreme Court of Justice. After the Afrika Newspaper trials, in 2018, he resigned from his position as Senior Judge in protest against the regime. He began writing columns, published in Yeniduzen Newspaper and other media platforms, which he later compiled in a book titled ‘Crystal Castle’. Reynar actively participated in many non-governmental organizations, focusing on politics, public law, human rights, and international criminal justice. In 2023, he founded the Kıbrısın Sesi digital news site, of which he is a partner, and currently works there as editor-in-chief.

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