Ersin Tatar filed a lawsuit against us…

Of course, he can, it is his most natural right…

I cannot make the slightest comment on this issue…

And I won’t…


I read the four articles against which the lawsuits were filed one after the other…
To be honest I couldn’t find anything that justified these lawsuits but the discretion belongs to his magnificence and to those who gave HIM this advice…


But there is one thing I’m very curious about…

I mean don’t misunderstand me…

I’m not at the point of saying: “let the case be withdrawn, I’m really scared, I don’t want to be punished” …

As I said, I don’t believe I did anything wrong. A politician must put up with criticism and being ridiculed but once again, it’s up to the court’s discretion.


What I want to draw attention to is the fact that in one of the articles subject to the lawsuits in question, I wrote “…a healthy person would not act this way”…

Now, the situation seems as if someone is deliberately telling this man to go to court to get him to step down before his term in office expires…

Since I wrote that “a healthy person would not act this way”, it is only natural that I will ask for a “health report”…

He will be required to obtain a report that proves he is “mentally and physically” fit…

It’s only human nature; he could say “I’m fit as a fiddle” but what if he’s not mentally fit?


Then “would a supreme court process not be launched to remove him from the post of the president?”

Because as long as he doesn’t step down voluntarily, he can not be removed from office for any reason other than “health reasons”!


In the meantime, it’s worth mentioning, he would “step down” if the bosses in Turkey told him to do so and no one would say “don’t do this to this guy” but that’s another issue…



Let’s not say anything more so there is no interference with the course of justice!


No, there definitely won’t be anything special!

I would never do such a thing!

No sir!

Good luck with it!


I read somewhere…

Or to be more accurate I saw it in a message sent by a friend…


A teacher asked his students in class one day; “What is filth?”


The students gave a load of answers…

Filth is this, filth is that… It is to be like this or like that…


The teacher did not accept any of the answers…

The students then turned around and asked the teacher, “well sir you tell us what filth means?”


The answer the teacher gave was, “Filth or filthy is something and someone you find where it doesn’t belong”!

He then explained:

“…For example, you caress, smell, or kiss the hair of the person you love but you would not want to see a hair in your food right? That single hair would be filthy…

Again, you dip your bread in the oil on your plate and eat it right? But if that oil was to spill on your new jacket or trousers, then that would constitute as filthy…”


And the teacher gave the last example:

“…If a person is holding a position, he/she shouldn’t be occupying then don’t forget that he/she is also filthy…


[Photo insert: A photograph of Hala Sultan Tekke]

Ahmet Ünsal [Translator’s note: responsible for religious affairs] has been engaging in sectarian acts since the moment he assumed his duties…

In addition to this, he has taken on other duties…

For example, at first, he gave the fatwa, “It is forbidden to be chitting [sic] in an alla franca [Alafranga, European style] toilet.”

All the toilets at the Department of Religious Affairs were changed to alla turca [Alaturca, Turkish style] toilets with the state’s, public money.

Note: Fortunately I’m not working there because I can’t take a dump on those toilets… God had mercy on me!


Anyway, he said “it is a sin for men to wear tight trousers”…

He gave the advice, [that men should] “grow a beard, its sunnah” [Islamic tradition]…

He began by telling women “it’s a sin to work wearing indecent clothes”, taking the matter all the way to “you will have sex with your husbands whenever they want”.


In the meantime, he has it in for the imam of Hala Sultan Tekke mosque located in Larnaca under the control of the Republic of Cyprus…

He is trying hard to get İmam Şakir Alemdar removed…

He has two apprentices on the Evkaf Administration’s Board of Directors and is exerting pressure through them, demanding “that Alemdar be removed from the post.”


It’s not up to the TRNC Evkaf Administration to relieve Şakir Alemdar from his duties…

I asked, and what they told me was, “They can make a recommendation he be removed, and Alemdar might agree to it.”


Well, then what is Ahmet Ünsal’s goal?


Firstly: Şakir Alemdar, is not part of his own sect.

Secondly: Alemdar at the same time is Cypriot…

Thirdly: Ahmet hodja, is going to make sure the “imam” of Hala Sultan is someone from his own sect, and is someone of Turkish origin but is also an EU citizen, and if God permits, will succeed in conquering the South!

Inshallah, mashallah…

And we were waiting for Ers [Ersin Tatar] and Ünal abi [Ünal Üstel] to remove this man from office!


Even the fairy tales in the TRNC have changed!


Our legendary President, son of a Turk, Tatar, who did his military service in the mountains for 36 months and who is the shah of the nationalists, says “equal and sovereign”…


He salutes both the UN and the Security Council with a “we don’t really take you seriously” swagger but its interesting, the latest situation concerning the state which he  “heads” is as follows:

“…Ok we accept that our state is equal and sovereign, but the electricity production of this state has been handed over to the mafia and the Republic of Cyprus…

Yes, it’s painful, the fuel used for [the production of] 70 per cent of electricity is acquired by the mafia through the black market.

Stubbornly and insistently, we continue to purchase fuel of unknown quality from unknown markets for definitely high prices…


And it is also a pity that we are getting 30 per cent of our electricity from the South…


If the once famous newspaper which was bought by a private company uses the headline “Electricity revolt”; the message is clear…

Electricity issues will be handed over to this private company…


The state?

It’s equal and sovereign my dears!

Equal and sovereign!


The Cypriot?

Like the sleeping beauty!

While we wait to be woken up with a kiss of a handsome prince, dark characters – come in the dark and constantly molest the sleeping beauty!

The fairy tales have changed too!