Not one, not two, but three years…

Turkish President Erdoğan makes a ‘call’ to the world from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly:

– Recognise the TRNC…

But nobody cares… Nobody expresses support, nobody takes this call seriously…

Only Ersin Tatar, who goes to New York every year in September with a large delegation and spends time at the ‘Turkish House’, feels over the moon when he hears these words…

He showers Erdoğan with ‘Thank yous’…

Actually, this year, Erdoğan focused his speech on a much more ‘urgent’ humanitarian tragedy.

He talked about the genocide in Gaza and Israel’s aggression in a very compelling and emotional way on the same podium…

He acted as a ‘protector’ of the Palestinian people…

He shouted loudly on the ‘impotence’ of humanity and the UN in the face of this genocide, happening before everyone’s eyes in the Middle East…

His speech was of very high value…

The fact that Turkey, which is located in a region where 600 people are annihilated by bombs on a single day, is standing by the Palestinian people is an indicator of a pragmatic ‘foreign policy’.

Moreover, Turkey is doing this by severing its ‘economic’ ties with Israel, at the risk of paying a serious financial price.

Due to its ‘stance’, Turkey is a country that pays a serious ‘price’ regarding the issue of Palestine but also of Cyprus.

In 2017, Turkey suddenly changed its ‘Cyprus policy’ at a very high cost.

Turkey is experiencing a serious loss of income in FIR [Flight Information Region] revenues, and also for not opening its ports to ships with the Republic of Cyprus flag.

Its ‘exclusion’ from the pipeline project that will pass by Turkey and also from the wealth of existing resources in the Eastern Mediterranean is always due to the unresolved Cyprus problem.

It is unable to improve its relations with the EU because of Cyprus.

Erdoğan once said there is going to be a ‘win-win’ situation, but so far, Turkey and Turkish Cypriots have always been the losers.

At this stage, if the ‘call’ repeatedly made by Erdoğan from the UN rostrum for three consecutive years has not resonated in the world, this situation begs for a serious analysis of great necessity.

Does Erdoğan not know that the 193 members of the UN are bound by the Security Council resolutions?

Could he have forgotten that UN Resolution 541 on Cyprus specifically states that ‘The declaration of the TRNC is illegal and must be withdrawn’?

Does he not know that the UN called on all its members, three days after the TRNC was declared in 1983, to say, ‘Do not recognise the TRNC’?

Could he have forgotten that it said, ‘There is no other state on the island than the Republic of Cyprus’?

While this resolution and dozens of others are in place, no UN member will get into ‘trouble’ by saying, ‘I recognise the TRNC’…

Moreover, while the Greek Cypriot side’s strong ‘strategic relations’ with the USA, France, China and many other big states are thriving, it is not possible for a ‘brave man’ to come forward and afford this kind of a move…

Neither Azerbaijan, nor Pakistan, nor any other Islamic country has been able to do this in the past 41 years…

Weren’t there those who winked at Turkey and the ‘subordinate administration’ here?

Of course there were…

However, none of them managed to take a ‘serious’ step…

Moreover, if five, or ten countries recognised the TRNC, believe me, this would have no ‘value’ in diplomacy…

Here are two hot examples…

The ‘State of Palestine’ is recognised by 146 states…

But this ‘state’ sits in the UN General Assembly only as an ‘observer’, and this only became possible this year.

The second example is Kosovo…

It is recognised by 104 UN members. However, Serbia continues to say, ‘These territories belong to me’… It has no say in the UN…

The simple truth that our nationalist bigoted ‘elites’ cannot accept is this:

It is impossible for a ‘state’ established on territories seized by military force to gain recognition in the world.

If we take a look at the ‘unrecognised’ states in the world, we can easily understand this.

Russia established ‘statehoods’ on the territory of Ukraine by force. These statehoods declared their independence.

What happened to them?

Crimea was completely annexed to Russia after a while.

There was a state called Luhansk (LPR), which was also eventually annexed…

There was also Donetsk (DPR). That was also annexed to Russia…

The same Russia established a state called ‘Abkhazia’ on the territory it tore away from Georgia.

As if that was not enough, it established another state called ‘South Ossetia’…

Did it get them recognised?

Not wanting to hamper their relations with Russia, five states recognised these ‘fake statehoods’ on occupied territories… That’s all…

Russia, Syria, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Nauru.

When it comes to us, it is only the Republic of Turkey that recognises us…

We don’t even have as many ‘supporters’ as the others…

There is another ‘pseudo-state’ established by Russia on the territories it ‘stole’ from Moldova. It is called ‘Transnistria’…

And this is recognised by only two ‘states’…

Abkhazia and South Ossetia…

That is, two Russian satellite states, that are ‘unrecognised’ by others…

Considering all this; ‘Recognise the TRNC’ and recognise it on the grounds of ‘equal sovereignty’…

To top it off, to ask for ‘equal international status’ is a way of messing with the world.

Defending the ‘impossible’ suggests other ulterior motives… Oh my God…


Hasan Kahvecioğlu was born in 1952 in Lefkara village. His articles have been published in the Turkish Cypriot press since 1967. He worked as Editor-in-Chief and columnist for many years in Ortam newspaper, which he co-founded. He also worked at newspapers such as Halkın Sesi, Bozkurt, and Kıbrıs Postası. For years, he produced and presented “Güncel” and “Doğruya Doğru” programmes on BRT (Bayrak) with the public’s participation. He produced and presented debates on media issues on Kanal T and Genç TV. Kahvecioğlu is the founder of Radyo Mayıs, where he presented daily programmes and served as its General Director for years, while producing the bilingual programme “Adamızın Sesi” (Voice of our Island). He wrote articles in Politis newspaper for years, and presented bilingual programmes on Radio Astra. Currently, he writes in Halkın Sesi. His articles are also published in Ahval, Avrupa and Nokta Kıbrıs.

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