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If someone had managed to invent a special device for this, let us call it an ‘absurdity meter’, AKEL people would have long since caused it to explode. TILT. The machine has tilted, to use a historic term employedby people of my generation: the term came from the indication that came up on the flipper machine when you tried to cheat and gain more points than the system could take.
This was something that prevailed during that time: whoever cheated and stole in general did it with respect for the undefined limits that were nonetheless clear to all. There existed a line not to be crossed. Not like today. Oh, well…
I sometimes wonder if the mean collective IQ of politicians can be this frighteningly low or if something else is going on that we don’t know about.
It is true that the corresponding extreme right displays equally worrying features as the extreme left; specificparties like the Greek Communist Party (KKE), which, since Paradise collapsed and grants were no longer available, has lobotomised an entire generation of (then) members of the Communist youth – EDON, and now members of AKEL.
It should be noted that with medical lobotomies, half the patients ended up in a vegetative state and the rest showed no improvement in their condition.
I’m not making any comparisons, am I?
The percentage here might not be 50-50. What do I know?
The sad thing is that the grass roots were not in their majority known for … quickness of wit; As far as theleadership is concerned this is not true of all of them, since the Commies are still producing some enviablecharacters, but in general their brains are working just fine. They have known over time and still know how to manipulate the sheep in order to get their business done.
During this period they are selling the idea to them that they are living in conditions of absolute poverty and that for this two things are chiefly to blame (note: during this period) Christodoulides and capitalism. The facts disprove this, but they still insist. They are selling to the sheep ideas of socialist ‘revolutions’, which if they were to take place would be led by them, or if they carried on they would live a good life, as indeed they have always lived in these regimes.
The symbol of this manipulation, as also elsewhere of course, is Che Guevara who died young and has become their biggest selling point. If he had not died, he too would have become a dictator or instrument of oppression like his friend Castro. Indeed, there is a theory that Castro betrayed him to the enemy because he feared him.
The truth is that people in Cuba live in poverty, but they, in their ruthlessness sell lies to the naïve and ignorant.
So that they will buy season tickets for Omonia football club, listen to a few singers (comrades) even if theydon’t understand what is being sung – actually the singers themselves don’t understand either. Not to worry,most of the songs don’t make any sense, they just need to sound revolutionary and with a deep fighting spirit –and they think that all this paves the way to the revolution.
Remember how in the past they had calendars with topless girls in their car repair workshops in Kaimakli? That’s all gone now! The dual dream that keeps them going now is for Omonia to win the double and for capitalism to fall. You might say it is impossible that capitalism will fall. In the circumstances, it is more likely than the other dream!
The second matter that issues forth from the party is ‘the Palestinian struggle’. If you listen to the party’s radio station for more than five minutes, you start to wonder how Hamas have learned to speak Greek with a Cypriot accent.
It is not of course a coincidence that the nonsense they spout about genocide, which no serious organisationadopts, not even the UN, even though it has long since lost any kudos it had left, is identical to the official party line. It is also not a coincidence that neither the party nor the station says a word about the atrocities perpetrated in Iran, or what has been done by Asad or the arch-capitalist Putin who – no matter how many crimes he commits, will always have a place in their hearts. If we are talking about the Party, perhaps not only in their hearts. I remind you of the money …donated to them by one of Putin’s henchmen, entirely coincidentally after they voted against the condemnation of the annexation of the Crimea in the European Parliament. When the story came out, the then Secretary General Andros said that it was given to them out of respect. And ungrateful that they are, instead of commissioning a statue for him, they would still be keeping it a secret if it had not been leaked. How many more such things are there, I wonder?
They viciously attacked the government for the Israeli President’s visit to Cyprus and organised protests. Welive in a democracy, not a socialist ‘democracy’ or an Islamic ‘democracy’. Everyone is entitled to protest. The question is though: do the AKEL members not understand what is going on in our region? Of course they do.
Are they so stupid then?
Among much more rubbish in the announcement they wrote that, ‘the Cypriot people are and must be on the side of peace and justice and not on the side of the occupying forces and the murderers’.
Is Iran which started 7/10 and finally lost out, not a murderer? What about Hamas and the otherterrorists they support, not murderers either? As to the ‘occupying forces’, Israel has long since left Gaza and many of those who raped, burned families alive and did so much more on 7/10, worked in Israel and went in and out of Gaza. Those animals even killed the left wingers in the Kibbutz who were fighting for the Palestinians.
Turkey is of course an ‘occupying force’, that is an occupation if you like. The fact is that either the West will prevail or Erdogan, the Muslim Brotherhood and the rest of the fascist Muslim terrorists.
On whose side, finally, is AKEL? And why?
POSTSCRIPT: In the photograph is the only expression of sympathy by AKEL ever for Ukraine, in 2015, in favour of the (pro-Russian) Ukrainian Communist Party, which was of course itself an instrument of Moscow. As we said, the Party is always on the right side and on the side of democracy!
*The views contained in the signed Point of Views Articles express only their authors and are not positions held by OffsiteNews
This article was originally published on 10.01.2025