| POLITICS |Yenidüzen



Have you ever wondered why those governing Turkey wanted to work with Ersin Tatar and Ünal Üstel in the last two to three years?


Let’s first accept this reality: Both Tatar and Üstel were appointed completely under the control of Turkey…


For example, Tatar had no ambition or desire to become President…
He had preferred to remain the leader of UBP [National Unity Party] and govern the country as the Prime Minister…


In fact, he was quite open to the suggestion to support an “independent presidential candidate” following advice given to him by a group of friends or acquaintances, under his new leadership of UBP.
This group had convinced Tatar “on Kudret Özersay’s candidacy”…


However, the plans did not work out…
It didn’t happen…
And as you may recall, Tayyip Erdoğan called Tatar, Fikri Ataoğlu, and Erhan Arıklı to Ankara, looked them in the eyes, smiled, and said, “Our candidate is Mr. Ersin and that’s it”…


Why Ersin Tatar?
Well because, the UBP’s base and influential figures like Derviş Eroğlu would never approve of Özersay!
Are you kidding me?
They removed Faiz Sucuoğlu, who won the party congress by a wide margin twice, and not a single UBP member, sympathizer, or official even uttered a “word of objection”!
Had Erdoğan said, “We are supporting Özersay,” those within the UBP who would have disobeyed would not have reached 1%…
And they wouldn’t have dared to speak out of fear!


Now, this question is important: Why was Faiz Sucuoğlu removed from his position?
And why was his position given to Ünal Üstel, who came fifth in the congress…
Because Sucuoğlu could have resisted, he could have acted like Eroğlu or Hüseyin Özgürgün in certain situations…
He would have wavered, ignored…


My opinion?
In my opinion, it’s because it would be much easier for them to govern the country as they wish…
We can see that now, can’t we?
They appointed a bum, and both Tatar and Üstel, and the Council of Ministers, even though there may be one or two exceptions, are completely under that person’s command…


Did someone say a sovereign and equal state?
Prime Minister?
Come on!!!

Embarrassing to say, our shit is also being paid for by the Republic of Cyprus!


There is a [waste water] treatment plant in Mia Milia…
It is operated by a German company…
Under normal circumstances, we should at least be using the water from this treatment plant for agriculture or something, but we have never been able to achieve that…


But it gets worse…
Since Ersin Tatar took office, this German company has not been paid…


Why are they not being paid?
Firstly: Our guys are pocketing the money!
Secondly: They want to strain relations with the EU!
Thirdly: They don’t have the money!


Regardless of the reason, the German company said, “We’re leaving” because you are not paying us!                                                                                                                        Both sides have been informed of this decision.
What happens if the German company pulls out and this facility somehow comes to a halt?


Nicosia, Gönyeli [Guenyeli], Dikmen [Dikomo], Near East University, Mia Milla, and South Nicosia, to put it bluntly, will be buried “in deep shit”!


So, what’s the result?                                                                                                                Sorry for the language, but our shit was also paid for by the Republic of Cyprus!
They had to do it!



A total of 11 million euros!
That’s the amount the Turkish Cypriot community owes!
And how did the Republic of Cyprus pay this money?
Of course, from the funds allocated to the Turkish Cypriots!


This budget was withdrawn from the funds allocated for healthcare and other similar necessary expenses!
In other words, 11 million euros that could have been used for much better purposes were spent on cleaning our shit!


Are we ashamed?
We have a sovereign and equal state, and on top of that, our president sees the Taurus Mountains every time he looks, so why should we be ashamed?                  What more can he do!


Why is the TRNC a sovereign equal coriander stalk?

The UEFA Champions League final will be played in Istanbul on Saturday, June 10, 2023.
The British Premier League Champions Manchester City will face the Italian Serie A Champions Inter in the final…


The Italians lost to the English in the UEFA Conference League final…
West Ham defeated Fiorentina 2-1 to win the cup…


The Italians lost to the Spanish team in the UEFA Europa League final…
Sevilla beat Roma on penalties…


Now, a question comes to mind:
“Can a British minister attend the Champions League final?”
Of course, he/she can!
Well then, can the travel and accommodation expenses as well as match tickets of this British minister be covered by a British businessperson?


Let’s rephrase the question: If this British businessperson has a “business deal” with the government regarding an investment and the government is trying to offer benefits to this businessperson and if this investment is temporarily halted by an interim injunction by the court, what would the minister whose expenses are covered be expected to do?


Firstly, they would resign…                                                                                                  Then they would shut themselves up in their home and never go out again…


Well, what about in the TRNC?
Last week, an esteemed businessperson and a minister went to the Galatasaray-Fenerbahçe match in Istanbul together with the businessperson’s lawyers; the minister was hosted, and their photos were shared…
I mean, I don’t know…


Why am I writing this?
For me, every businessperson, and everyone who invests in this country is highly valuable…
Even the businessperson whose name I have not mentioned is among the most valuable…
The issue is not about the businessperson…
The issue is not even about what the businessperson expects from or is alleged to expect from the government…
Of course, like any other businessperson, this person might have the right to think about their investments and profits…


My concern is not about the rivalry among businesspersons or the ongoing lawsuit…
The court’s decision will be the right one, and I am eagerly awaiting the outcome…


But now everyone needs to understand; relationships have become very corrupt…
It is clear that the TRNC is nothing more than a “sovereign equal coriander stalk”…
In a real state, even if the relationships between businesspersons and politicians are corrupt, they are at least kept discreet, whether friendly or clean!
In pseudo states like ours, which are even more worthless than a coriander stalk, such corrupt relationships may be played out in the open!


That is the only issue…
It is wrong…


Well, the minister in question paid for his own expenses…
Then let me see the receipts!

[Photo insert: Front page of Bir Gün newspaper with headlines on the latest price hikes]

That’s what was expected… And it came… The Turkish lira plummeted… Price hikes followed one after another… Conservatism intensified and will continue to escalate…
May it bring blessings and prosperity…


I was born in Pendaia - Lefke in 1967. I completed my primary and secondary education in Gaziveren, Lefke and Morphou. I graduated from the Public Administration Department of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Gazi University in Ankara in 1989. I worked at Kıbrıs, Yenidüzen, Londra Toplum Postası, Avrupa (Afrika), Gıynık, Gündem Kıbrıs newspapers. I worked as a producer and presenter at Kıbrıs TV, Kanal T and Sim Tv. Currently I work as a producer at Sim Tv and publish daily articles in Yenidüzen.

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