| ECONOMY |Yenidüzen



The “Social Insurance Premium Support” which offered the private sector some respite ended on December 31. The latest premium payments were made on January 15. Now no one knows what is going to happen when we reach February 15. The government has not said anything about the issue yet. 


There were more than 86 thousand employees who benefited from this support scheme last year.
It is actually the employers who are being supported but its real impact is on employees in the sense that it provides them with a guarantee for the future. 
“Social Insurance Premium Support” indirectly offers job security.
Because, if an employee is laid off, the support is cut.


It is extremely important that this scheme continues in order to preserve jobs and prevent unemployment…


The Ministry of Labour had announced that it would “give support to up to 10 employees” in the new period. [Translator’s note: TC officials had previously announced that businesses with up 10 employees would be given contributions for social insurance premium payments] but such a move, could trigger a new unemployment crisis. 
It would only serve to increase unregistered employment…
And unemployment in particular…

There should be no discrimination between sectors, nor should there be limits to the number of employees. 
That’s all!


Cost of the Social Insurance Premium Support [scheme] to the Finance Ministry is around ₺40m [€1.9m] every month. 
Close to ₺30m of this figure is already covered by businesses that pay premiums for the foreign workers they employ and the support is provided by the Employment Support Centre. 


This is the first time such a serious gap has formed between workers in the public and private sectors. 
Social injustice and inequality keep on growing.
Under the current circumstances, it’s important that these 86 thousand employees are not dragged further to the bottom. 

Plans to ease crossings held back by ‘Insurance’ companies 


It is the flow of ‘EUROS’ that has kept the economy on its feet since the extraordinary depreciation of the Turkish lira.
Greek Cypriots bring serious revenue to our economy.
Everyone acknowledges this from petrol stations to supermarkets, from restaurants to hairdressers.
That is why crossings from the south are extremely important…


There is complete chaos at the crossings…
Particularly in Nicosia…
The only vehicle crossing point in the capital is at Agios Dhometios (Kermiya, Metehan) and it’s not enough.
A committee was formed, work was launched with the Economic Organisations’ Platform and promises of change were made.
It didn’t happen!


I met with the Chairman of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce Turgay Deniz, and I asked him why the process concerning the crossing points stopped. 

  •  More access lanes were to be opened in Nicosia to ease crossings.
  • They were thinking of three new lanes.
  • Necessary permission for the expansion was obtained from the military.
  • The computer infrastructure was to be updated; the process of crossing was to be speeded up.
  • There was a need to generate revenues that would make all this sustainable.
  • Plans were made to form a company.
  • Insurance companies refused to pay rent at the crossing points.
  • This is where the process collapsed.
  • The only source of revenue was from the rent to be paid by insurance companies and billboards.
  • The feasibility study to be carried out by the Contractors’ Association has not been completed yet. 
  • The government has hired civil service personnel [special constables] as requested. 
  • There is a need to generate revenues so that the process can move forward.

The insurance companies generate significant revenue from the crossings but refuse to pay rent in return.
It seems like the government is also not too keen on easing the process of crossings.

So the shopkeepers, the market, and the economy lose…


Profiteering over ‘vehicle insurance’ sold to Greek Cypriots


You pay €25 for one month of vehicle insurance when you cross to the south of the island with your car.
The same tariff applies to Greek Cypriots. 

You can get an annual insurance in the north for €35…[Translator’s note: the €35 is the annual third-party insurance fee for all cars in the north]
Yet Greek Cypriots are charged €25 per month!

There is more…
The guarantee offered in the south for a €25 car insurance is €1.2m.
In the north, this assurance is ₺300,000. (€15,000)

 ₺8m is paid for injuries or death in the north. There is no limit in the south.


Is this not a disgrace!
To charge Turkish Cypriots €35 for 365 days of insurance…
And charge Greek Cypriots €25 for just one month …
Is this not profiteering and racketeering?


To slam into the wall!


The United Nations Security Council adopted yet another report on Cyprus.

The Security Council is made up of 15 members, 5 of which are permanent.
15 countries, “unanimously” pointed once again to a federal settlement in Cyprus. 

China gave its approval.
France gave its approval.
Russia gave its approval.
The UK gave its approval.
The United States of America gave its approval.

It’s not over!
Albania gave its approval.
Brazil gave its approval.
Ecuador gave its approval.
Gabon gave its approval.
Ghana gave its approval.
Japan gave its approval. 
Malta gave its approval. 
Mozambique gave its approval.
Switzerland gave its approval.
The United Arab Emirates gave its approval. 

The policy of lies wrapped in slogans by Turkey’s AKP and its Turkish Cypriot spokespersons once again slammed into a wall.
They could not persuade any of these countries.
Neither Albania, nor the Arab Emirates!

What does the understanding that has distanced Turkish Cypriots from the international community promise us? 
Apart from destitution, mediocrity, and uncertainty. 

[Photo insert: A photograph of the UN Security Council]


Born in 1971 in the town of Limassol, Cyprus, Cenk Mutluyakalı migrated to Kyrenia together with his family after the war. He began journalism at KIBRIS newspaper in 1989. He took part in establishing the United Media Group. He was the Editor-in-Chief of YENİDÜZEN newspaper for 20 years between 2001-2021. He continues to write daily essays, news reports and interviews for Yenidüzen newspaper. He served as the President of the Turkish Cypriot Press Card Commission and Turkish Cypriot Journalists Association. He was awarded with various prizes throughout his career, the most recent being the “Peace Journalism Prize” by the bicommunal New Cyprus Association. Mutluyakalı is an author of published books of essays and interviews. He is also the author of a novel titled “Salıncak” (Swing) published by Kor Kitap and translated into Greek by Heterotopia Publications with the title «Η κούνια».

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