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…The grandfather listened to Aris’ story silently.
He seemed enthralled by what sounded
more like a fairy tale. While he listened, he rolled
another cigarette and drew on it furiously as though
he wanted to stimulate the mind before entering into
this so interesting a conversation.
– Who make wars, Aris? And don’t start
with theories. I want a simple but meaningful answer.
– A simple answer about wars? Let’s say, the
imperialists. Isn’t that what we’ve always said? And now
we know that these guys are everywhere, in all
ideologies. And since you want simple things, well let’s say
that wars are made by people who are not satisfied
with what they have and they want more and more…
– What do you and your kind do differently in the city
than they do?
– What are you talking about, grandpa? What do I have to
do with those who make the wars?
– Indeed, you do, buddy. Do you work fifteen hours a day? Do
you struggle on all day with this guy and that guy who get on
your nerves? Why do you do it? Why do you continue on
a path that you are disgusted by? For a little more money,
for another house, for a new car, for all those things
that are supposed to give you social status.
For security, as you learned to say. Why did you identify
security with money. What security man, when you don’t even know
if the money you have in the bank will exist when you need it?
– Grandpa, I came to you to help me and you’re telling me οff?
– I’m not telling you off you dummy. I’m trying to help.
He used both hands to fix his thick mustache
which reached down to his chin and continued.
– Arouli [Editor’s note: diminutive of Aris], in order to change
what’s bothering you, you have to stop being a part of it. The
oxymoron of people is that they complain about the system,
whatever system, and yet they serve it as loyal soldiers. They
serve the same powers they say are the ones they want to abolish.
– What are you trying to get at?
– To the basic principle of every sophisticated person. In order
to change the world, you must first change yourself.
Silence fell. Aris believed that the wise grandfather would
have two or three excellent ideas ready, that would provide
the solution to the difficult equation set before the
four of them by Elli. Now things were becoming more
difficult. As if the still unsolved problem was not enough, he had to
stretch out the ladder within himself again and descend to the
the depths of his soul again.
– Let me ask you something, man. You have your wife, you have
your child, you have your house, you also have financial comfort.
Are you happy?
– What do you think?
– I say no. You live in a routine, you do
the same things every day, you come home exhausted and
wait for the sunrise so you get back to doing
the same again. No intensity, no fluttering of the heart,
no real pleasure.
– It’s true…
– Hm It’s true. Come here for a few days. Come see how
your sedated senses awaken. One day you will
wake up with the smell of spearmint and basil,
the next day you will rejoice with the first little tomato,
on the third day you will play with Mangas as if you are both children again.
And in the evenings the scops owl will keep you company from the
pine tree across, and you’ll soak up all that energy
that the moon sends to those initiated. I know,
it all sounds crazy. A lot of people tell me that. And I
reply to them, “No problem, guys. Just when
you get to the end, don’t complain that you didn’t live.
This lonely life unfortunately does not have a stamp with an
expiration date. We only know the beginning. Tomorrow may
well be our last day.”
– That! That’s what worries me too.
– So that is where you start from. That is where all of you should start
from. So if you want to tear up this rock,
you have to do it inside yourself first. That’s the only way
you will be an example, only then will you have
something new to propose. And don’t think that all this
is difficult and impossible. Sometimes things
are simpler and easier than we think.
We’re all angry with capitalism, aren’t we? Revolutions,
rebellions, deaths did not bring particularly positive
results. You know why? Because man didn’t change
and because he created new powers that in many
cases were worse. Do you know how
this monster can be torn down without guns and
without dead? If tomorrow morning
all the people on the planet decided to reduce
their consumption to half, this invincible monster would not
last more than six months. Today they have us
throwing coal like crazy into the engine that keeps
accelerating and is certain to derail. We continue
this suicide without protest because we never
pulled the brake to get off.

Source: Excerpt from Giorgos Kaskanis’ book Bahar [Spring in Turkish], published in 2022.

Giorgos Kaskanis was born in 1964 in Nicosia, originally from Myrtou (Kyrenia). He studied journalism and worked as a political editor at newspapers and TV stations. As a journalist he followed and covered almost all efforts to resolve the Cyprus problem and published the book “When Spring comes, let the windows open” (2015). He currently works at the television station Alpha Cyprus as News Director.

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